Thursday 16 February 2012

Missing Emeralds Found: In retrospect - Scarlett Rogers

The case which April Jenkins presented to Winchester and I caught our attentions instantly.

Considering the sheer amount of adultery cases we have been receiving - despite it being noted on our side bar that we find cases such as these DULL and TIRESOME, and refuse to accept as such - it was a welcome break to have a case of interest, for once.

It was evident from the moment we stepped into Mrs Jenkins' hallway, decorated with overly ornate tables and wall sconces that the butler had done it. The emeralds had been taken from the safe in the dead of night, and considering the security surrounding the property it had to be an inside job.

It didn't take us long to gain the evidence we needed. Winchester dusted the butler's room for finger prints, and with the results, we compared them with a set found on the safe which held the jewels.

Only an idiot revisits the scene of the crime, and unfortunately Winchester and I were denied a dramatic manhunt throughout the city, and were faced with the culprit moments later, as he returned for the tapestry which the emeralds were sewn into. Criminals aren't clever these days. It's perpetually disappointing.

Naturally the butler wasn't impressed with our sleuthing skills, and made for the roof, resulting in a fairly interesting chase through the tastelessly decorated halls of the Jenkins mansion.

The storm that had suddenly come on while we investigated left us soaking wet and balancing precariously on the roof tiles as we faced off with the culprit. Winchester soon discovered the shortcomings of wearing expensive shoes on a wet tiled roof. He slipped, after our man made for him with intent, and managed to steady himself on the guttering while the butler continued over the edge.

The rose bushes below welcomed him with thorny hands.

The case is closed for now. Neither Winchester nor I are aware of the reasons behind the butler's impulsive drugs use, and nor do we care. The identity of the gang who threatened him for payment remains unknown. Drugs busts are to be left in the incapable hands of the police, while Winchester and I return to fresher, and infinitely more important cases.

- S.R.